Favorite Things Friday: November 24, 2017

A Weekly Round-Up of Rover-Related Links from Around the Web


Happy Thanksgiving weekend, everyone! I can hardly believe that we're officially to the Christmas season! Josh, Dave, and I are spending this Thanksgiving week with our family in Minnesota and it's been a great escape from the craziness of day-to-day city life. What about you guys? What are you up to during this holiday weekend?

Here are my other favorite things online this Friday:

1) Getting a little weepy reading about this Home for the Pawlidays program

2) Doing some hardcore Cyber Weekend deal-hunting and blogging about it here

3) Falling for the winner of the National Dog Show

4) Loving this sweet idea for the dog-loving kiddos on my Christmas list

5) Deciding that this home design-saving brilliance might be in our future

6) Feeling grateful that all Dave stole was a Thanksgiving roll after reading this hilarious round-up

What are you guys loving on this festive Black Friday? Wishing all of you and your families safe travels and a wonderful weekend!

xo Heather

*The Dapple sometimes receives affiliate income for product links, but we'll only ever share products we truly love.